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Paper Bride 3 Unresolved Love

Company: Heartbeat Plus Genre: Puzzle Updated: 07/11/2022

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Description Paper Bride 3 Unresolved Love

The blue sky fades into twilight; Yin and Yang are absent.
A procession of white robes accompanies the swaying red palanquin.
Uninterrupted incense foretells lasting marriage.
A joyous celebration welcomes the return of the paper bride.

'Paper Bride 3' is the fourth Chinese horror-themed puzzle game from our team.

The story takes place in the town of Moshui, near the village of Zangling, and the picturesque town of Fulu.
Some players warn never to marry a woman from Zangling village and never to return to the village.
But can this really avoid the shadow of Zangling village?

Compared with 'Paper Bride 2', we have added the following new features
- Improved graphics: Picturesque scenery with more dynamic expression.
- Enriched story: Protagonists with more varied expressions for an even more engaging performance.
- Added suspense: Based on player feedback, we've taken suspense to a whole new level. A little more, we might just scare you to death! This story is not for the faint of heart.
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Paper Bride 3 Unresolved Love for PC

To install Paper Bride 3 Unresolved Love on a PC we are going to need an Android emulator. We recommend using Bluestacks as it is one of the best on the market. To install it we will need a Windows 7 operating system or higher. Windows prior to version 7 will not work. descargar bluestacks If you have a Windows 7 operating system or higher we can start the process to install Paper Bride 3 Unresolved Love on a computer. To make it easier for you we show it on the next page step by step.
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Paper Bride 3 Unresolved Love for MAC

To be able to download Paper Bride 3 Unresolved Love in your MAC you have to follow the same steps as for PC. You need an Android emulator and currently BlueStacks is the best and most powerful on the market. descargar bluestacks If you have any doubt about how to install this emulator in your Apple computer we advise you to follow the instructions shown on the next page.
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