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Chic Me - Chic in Command

公司: Geeko Tech. 节目类型: 购物 评级: 38.700 注: 4.7 更新: 25/07/2022

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欢迎来到Chic Me APP。
你想要一件独一无二的衣服吗?通过Chic Me APP,你可以通过10万多件商品的混搭发现自己的风格。
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- 首次订购可获额外9折优惠。
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- 查看最近的注册情况。
- 定期开展优惠券和主题活动。

... 更多内容。

新闻中心 Chic Me - Chic in Command

in this version?
1.New user Discount, enjoy exclusive App discounts and newcomer benefits!
2. Video Shopping, We've added video previews to some items to enhance your shopping experience, come check it out in the app!
3.Improvements in performance and bug fixes.
- Tell us about your ideas for the ChicMe app via Account - My service - Suggestion - We'd love to hear from you!
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更新: 25/07/2022 下载: +5M 开发者: Web 公司: Geeko Tech.